Online Safety

Safeguarding and child protection

Listening Ears is fully committed to safeguarding all the children, young people, volunteers, including Trustees/Members of the Management Committee and paid workers in relation to the safe and acceptable use of the internet and social media sites.

We will do this by:

  • supporting and encouraging children and young people to use the internet and mobile phone apps in ways which keep them safe and shows respect for others
  • dealing firmly with any examples of inappropriate use of the internet or mobile apps by children, young people, volunteers or paid workers
  • identify clear procedures to use when responding to online safety concerns
  • ensuring that that images of children or young people are used only when written permission has been given

We will make every effort to safeguard against all risks but recognise that it may never be able to completely eliminate them. If any incidents occur they will be dealt with swiftly and in accordance with our policies.

At Rosebud, our staff, facilitators and volunteers are trained in safeguarding. We take a child-centered approach to all the measures we implement relating to safeguarding and children’s online safety. We encourage parents and caregivers to take an active role in their child’s online interaction and familiarise themselves with the latest and most popular platforms used by young people.

Information for young people

For many young people today, the online world is just as important as the offline. Many activities that transpire online have serious real life consequences. Therefore, it is very important to take a smart and safe approach to online interaction. The Internet can be a minefield of challenges from peer pressure to body image insecurities to gambling, gaming, cyberbullying and grooming. We recommend utilising the free resources below.

Under 11 years old? Our top tips (from safer internet) are SMART rules:

S (Safe) Keep safe online and don’t give out personal information such as your address or phone number
M (Meet) Arranging to meet with strangers online can be dangerous. Make sure you have your parent’s permission
A (Accepting) Accepting attachments, emails or pictures from strangers online can leave you exposed to viruses or hacking
R (Reliable) Always cross check information you come across online
T (Tell) Tell a parent, carer or trusted adult if someone online is making demands from you or bullying you

Aged 11-19? Our top tips (from safer internet) are:

  • Protect your online reputation as you start to build a digital footprint. If you wouldn’t put it on a billboard, perhaps it shouldn’t be posted online
  • Understand the tools available to you including privacy, block and deletion features
  • Stand your ground – don’t give in to pressure to join in on cyberbullying online
  • Respect the law: be mindful of the legal aspects of downloading online content such as music, films and TV shows
  • Acknowledge your sources: give credit to copyright owners when using their content for your work

Resources for young people

Information for parents and caregivers

Parents and carers must be proactive in engaging with their child’s online interactions. From video gaming, live streams, and social media to video chat rooms, parents need to be up to date with the vast array of content available to children online. Parents can utilise crucial learning platforms to aid their child’s development and encourage interaction with them and their peers while helping them stay safe online. There are a range of resources available to parents to help you navigate the fast changing landscape of the Internet some of which are listed below:

Resources for parents and caregivers