
Arts and Crafts
rosebud centre rosebud centre for girls greenwich london rosebud centre for girls greenwich london
Beauty and Self-Care
Candle Making
Confidence Building (DiscoverMe with Anna Garcia)
rosebud centre for girls greenwich london rosebud centre for girls greenwich london anna garcia discover me workshop
Cookery Club
Community Involvement and Charity Fundraising
Day Trips
Fashion Design
Jewellery Making
Mentor Presentations
Mosaic Arts
 rosebud academy mosaic workshop
 rosebud academy mosaic workshop
 rosebud academy mosaic workshop
Mothering Our Daughters
Music Production (Instruments)
Music (Singing and Song-writing)
Personal Development
Photography & Photoshop Skills
Residentials (Activities)
Self-Defence / Fitness
Theatrical Make-up Techniques
Zumba, Street Dance, Belly Dancing and Afrobeat Rhythms