Rosebud’s half term residential programme will take place from Tuesday 24th to Sunday 29th October 2017. This one-week programme is specially tailored to meet the needs of our young women and will include Personal Development, Independent Living Skills such as Budgeting, Shopping, Finance Management, Cooking and Housekeeping as well as lots of fun! Parents can be assured that their girls will have a fantastic time during this two-week break which will include healthy homemade meals, refreshments, treats and various activities and workshops. This break from home will allow us to work closer with the girls to develop their confidence and independence through mentoring in a home environment away from home.
We are asking parents for a contribution of £25 towards the costs of accommodation, meals and transport. Payment should be made by Bank Transfer using the details below or by Cheque issued to ‘Listening Ears’ Account name: Listening Ears, Account Number: 334 890 78, Sort Code: 20-67-90
Following registration and payment, participants will receive more information about the residential including a kit list detailing what to bring. We are currently scheduled to leave Rosebud at 9.00am on Tuesday 24th and depart from Moat Mount at 4pm on Sunday 29th October 2017. On Monday 23rd we will run a pre-residential workshop at Rosebud from 12noon – 4pm.
The full address of the residential is: Moat Mount Outdoor Centre, London NW7 5AL